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Bonny At Morn

%%player_top X:11 T:Bonny At Morn C:traditional Northumbrian D: H: N: M:3/4 L:1/8 K:Bm B,2|F3 G FE|F2 B,2 CD|E3 D CB,|(A,2 B,2) w:1.The sheep are in the mea-dows, and the kye are in the corn,_ w:2.The bird is in the nest,_ and the trout is in the burn,_ w:3.We're all_ laid_ i-dle with a-kee-ping the_bairn,_ C2|F3 G FE|F2 B,2 (CD)|E C3 (A,B,)|B,4 w:(1.)Thou's o-wer lang_ in thy bed,_ bon-ny at_ morn. w:(2.)Thou hin-ders thy_ mo-ther at_ ma-ny a_ turn. w:(3.)The la-ddie wi-nnot work and the_ lass wi-nnot_ lairn. B,2|F3 G FE|F2 B,2 CD|E3 D CB,|(A,2 B,2) w:(1.)The sheep are in the mea-dows, and the kye are in the corn_ w:(2.)The bird is in the nest,_ amd the trout is in the burn,_ w:(3.)We're all_ laid_ i-dle with a-kee-ping the_bairn,_ C2|B,3 C DE|F2 B2 A2|F A3 C2|B,6|| w:(1.)Thou's o-wer lang_ in thy bed, bon-ny at morn. w:(2.)Thou hin-ders thy_ mo-ther at ma-ny a turn. w:(3.)The la-ddie wi-nnot work and the lass wi-nnot lairn. B,2 B2 B2|(B,3 C D2)|C2 A2 A2|A,4 w:Can-ny at need,__ bon-ny at morn, C2|B,3 C (DE)|F2 B2 A2|F A3 C2|B,6|] w:Thou's o-wer lang_ in thy bed, bon-ny at morn.
trad/b/bonny_at_morn.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/27 12:32 by